We all know that office life isn’t the best and if we could we would all work from home, a coffee shop, our favorite restaurant, a fancy hotel, or at a resort in Bali. Once upon a time, having an office defined how serious you were and how successful you were. It’s still like that today but it’s no longer a business requirement.
Many of our parents lived the office life before us and most of us internally told ourselves that this would never be us. Some of us grow too big to ever make the move to work remotely and many of us willingly choose to finance office space if only to impress future prospects.
The sad thing with office spaces is that many of today’s young and creative minds tend to feel constricted and restricted whilst under pressure for 8 or more hours per day. Then you have the internal office politics and grandstanding that comes with being in leadership or the ambition of becoming a leader one day. Additionally you have a rise in depression in today’s workforce like never before.
To make a long story short, we wanted to set ourselves free of the illusion that having an office was the standard for success. We had the beautiful floor to ceiling glass office in the beautiful skyrise but with the expense came the necessity to charge top dollar for our every service which made us less competitive in a time where many american brands and entrepreneurs focused on cutting costs and internalizing many digital services from design to social media. We set ourselves free so that we could be optimally happy, think freely, and rid ourselves of the overhead from office expenses to become more fiscally conservative, honest, and strategic with our fees to clients like you.
Whether you want to believe it or not, most agencies are remote these days but they are either too shy to reveal it or they believe it diminishes them in some way but we are honest to a happy fault and proud of the lives we have built for ourselves. We still take things seriously and we still work hard. We actually work harder than ever but now we are surrounded by people who love us and want to see us succeed every day.

Sure, you can certainly be happy working out of an office but the new american dream is to have the ability to work from anywhere at anytime. There is no longer a rush to leave the office to get home. Our work lives and personal lives are now intermingled for the better so we are inessence on the job 24/7. Sure, we didn’t have to tell you this but we are now living in the future doing something that lives and thrives in a world unbound by an office space or a physical location.
We set ourselves free to set our minds free like never before. Now, when we work together, you’re more than a client – You’re Family!
Wanna work with positive team with all the time in the world?